This month not only did I listen to a book by Agatha Christie, but it is available as an episode of the TV series Poirot starring David Suchet, so I watched it, too.
The title of this book, Cards on the Table, refers
not only to the idiom of putting ones cards on the table (meaning to be open
and honest about something) but to a game of bridge. A mysterious man who likes
to dress like Mephistopheles, Mr. Shaitana, decides to hold a dinner party
where he invites four sleuths, including Hercule Poirot and his occasional
companion Ariadne Oliver (portrayed on the series by Zoe Wanamaker), and four
criminals. Mr. Shaitana has learned through gossip that the four criminals he
has invited are, in fact, murderers who have never been suspected of the
murders they have committed.
After the meal, during which Mr. Shaitana baits the murderers
with hints about the murders he knows about, the dinner guests break into two
groups for bridge, with Mr. Shaitana sitting the game out by the fire. The murderers
play their game in the room with Mr. Shaitana while the sleuths are in the next
room for their game. Sometime during the course of the night, Mr. Shaitana is
murdered. The sleuths have been out of the room the whole time, so it falls on
them to learn the dark secrets held by the murderers and determine which one of
them was able to murder Mr. Shaitana, without the others noticing.
I made the mistake of watching the episode before I finished
listening to the book. This lessened my enthusiasm to finish listening to the
book, but I did. There are some notable differences between the book and the show,
the main one being that on the TV series Mr. Shaitana is a hobby photographer
who has taken pictures of most of the murderers (maybe all, I forget) and the
police detective who is in the sleuth group. There are no photographs of
importance in the novel. This was added entirely for the TV show.
Two of the characters, Anne Meredith (murderer) and
Superintendent Battle (sleuth), are changed from the novel as well, with Anne
Meredith being more sympathetic and Battle being thrown into the suspect
There are other changes to characters, but not as notable to
the story revolving around them. I will say that I adore Zoe Wanamaker’s
performance as Ariadne Oliver on this and other episodes of the TV series, and
would love to see a spinoff series of Ariadne Oliver solving crimes. Ariadne is
much more likeable on the show than in the book.
Up until the very end, I wondered if the TV show had also
changed the identity of the murderer, but it didn’t. The novel just makes a
very convincing case for a different character which the TV show didn’t follow
through with in the same way. The murderer also has his motive heightened for
his original murder in the TV series. I’m still not sure from the novel why he
did his original murder. If I heard the reason, I have forgotten it.
The audiobook was, like with the other Christie novel I listened
to, read by Hugh Fraser. He is excellent at this and makes the characters come
to life, doing all sort of accents and pitches with his voice. I enjoyed this
story more than the last Christie one and infinitely more than the mystery from
last month.
Somewhere (which means on Facebook or Twitter) I recently
read about how mystery novels differ from other stories in that the detectives
are not expected to have any character growth over their series of stories. They
are only expected to be interesting and competent in solving mysteries. It got
me thinking about Poirot, Miss Marple, Agatha Raison, Jessica Fletcher, Columbo
and others. True. They don’t grow and change as people. They solve crimes and
they do it the same way, which is what the audience finds so satisfying. They
start off as interesting characters and the reader/viewer wants to learn more
about them, not to see them grow and change. Anyway, I thought that was interesting
and worth pondering.
Anyway, this month’s book is one of the better ones from the
year. Oh, and I should mention that I basically know how to play bridge (my dad
never let anyone else keep score, so I can’t do it), so that part of the plot
wasn’t confusing for me. It might be for you if you are not familiar with
bridge at all.